Increase Your Chances of Success: Authors Seeking to Submit Without an Agent


Navigating the world of publishing can be a daunting task, especially for new authors. It’s a common question, “Which publishers accept unsolicited manuscripts?” This article aims to demystify the process and provide a roadmap to those publishers who are open to unsolicited submissions.

Publishers’ policies on unsolicited manuscripts vary widely, and understanding these differences is crucial for any author hoping to see their work in print. From large publishing houses to small independent presses, we’ll explore the landscape and highlight those that welcome new talent.

In the thrilling, often unpredictable journey of getting published, knowledge is power. Let’s arm you with the right information to make your publishing dream a reality.

What Publishers Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts

As authors explore opportunities with publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts, it’s vital to pay attention to certain qualities in their search. Facets like a publisher’s track record, and the fairness of contract terms can prove to be decisive factors.

Proven Record of Publishing Unagented Authors

Consider publishers with a consistent record of publishing unagented authors. This history reveals an openness to new voices in the industry, providing a platform for emerging talent. For instance, DAW Books and Black Inc., both accept unsolicited manuscripts and have an established track record of publishing new authors. Authors can confidently submit their work, bolstered by the assurance that these publishers value fresh, raw talent.

Fair Contract Terms for Unsolicited Manuscripts

Another important consideration lies in the contract terms offered by the publisher. They should be fair and uncompromisingly transparent. Understanding the details of the contract, such as royalty rates, rights retained, and terms of termination is crucial. For clarity, publishers like Baen Books and Tor Books display their contract terms for unsolicited manuscripts publically. Fair contract terms indicate a publisher’s commitment to a mutually beneficial relationship with the author, signifying a healthy publishing environment.

Potential Challenges When Submitting Unsolicited Manuscripts

Publishing industry promises exciting opportunities, but authors need to prepare for certain roadblocks. This section unpacks potential challenges that authors might experience when submitting unsolicited manuscripts to publishers, particularly highlighting long response times and the risk of manuscript rejection.

Long Response Times from Publishers

Publishers receive an avalanche of unsolicited manuscripts, resulting in long response times. For instance, publishing giants like DAW Books and Tor Books, renowned for accepting unsolicited manuscripts, take a considerable amount of time in evaluating. This is due to the high volume of submissions they receive daily, effectively lengthening the vetting process. Months could pass before authors receive any feedback, and in some cases, no response may be received at all. It’s therefore suggested for authors to patiently wait while the evaluation process takes place.

Risk of Manuscript Rejection

Submitting unsolicited manuscripts carries a perennial risk of rejection. Publishers like Scholastic and Chronicle Books have stringent evaluation criteria for manuscript acceptance. Due to immense competition and publishers’ preferences, an author’s manuscript might not make the cut. Skyhorse Publishing, renowned for its non-fiction books, may reject a manuscript that’s not befitting its catalogue. Yet, it is essential for authors to remember that rejection doesn’t necessarily reflect their writing quality. Instead, it may be a testimony to current publishing trends and market demands. Persistence, resilience, and improving based on the feedback received from publishers, if any, are crucial for authors aiming to succeed in this challenging industry.

Top Opportunities

Navigating the publishing landscape can be a daunting task for new authors. Yet, with persistence and a willingness to embrace rejection, one can find success. It’s key to remember that reputable publishers like DAW Books, Black Inc., Baen Books, and Tor Books do accept unsolicited manuscripts. For non-fiction and children’s book authors, Skyhorse Publishing, Chicago Evaluation Press, Scholastic, and Chronicle Books are worthy of consideration.

Don’t forget the value of feedback and patience in the submission process. Additionally, exploring alternative publishing channels like self-publishing platforms, literary journals, and academic publishers can provide added reach and opportunities. While the journey may be challenging, the publishing industry is far from inaccessible to those who are willing to learn, adapt, and persist.